Physical Education Teacher Angelia Hardy » 2020-2021 COURSE SYLLABUS


Alexander Junior High School /Physical Education Syllabus

P.A.S.S.A.G.E- Preparing All Students for Success in a Global Economy


Instructors: Mrs. Angelia Hardy and Mr. Tommy Gibbs


Health/Physical Education Course Description:

This course is designed to promote student learning with regard to health issues that affects their immediate and long-term health. Maintaining a healthy way of living requires a balance of physical, mental-emotional, and social well-being. Our purpose in Physical Education is to develop competence in; physical fitness, locomotor and non-locomotor skills, participation skills, social behavior, and strategies for physical activities.

Health education provides students with knowledge of skills necessary to confront health related issues and make a smooth transition from puberty to adolescence. Also, students will learn the rules and procedures for various sports as they enter into the seasons.


  • To promote good health
  • To develop and maintain positive and social skills
  • To encourage good citizenship
  • To provide knowledge and activities that are designed to enhance the components of a healthy life.

Classroom Guidelines:

  • Be safe.
  • Be on time.
  • Try Your Best. Everyone has a different best. No matter your skill level, attitude toward the learning activity, or who you are working with, always try your best!
  • Come prepared for class (PE uniform, proper shoes, planner, and writing utensil).
  • No horse playing in the gym or locker room.
  • No food, drinks, or candy allowed in the gym or locker room.
  • Absolutely NO foul or vulgar language.
  • Be respectful to teachers and peers.
  • HAVE FUN! Don’t say what you cannot and want do!

Class Preparation:

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will help promote a safe and fun learning environment. Each day, students must be dressed and in the designated area within seven minutes of the start of class time.

PE Uniform:

Students will be required to wear the school approved PE uniform. Students will need to purchase the school uniform for $20.00. The uniforms can be purchased in the front office of the school. Students must have the proper athletic shoes. Sandals and open toe shoes are unacceptable and students will not be allowed to participate in activities while wearing these types of shoes. Consequently, this results in a deduction of the participation percentile of the daily grade.


Through the course of the year, students will be required to participate in strenuous calisthenics. Thus, bringing about the importance of having changing clothes. It is recommended that students have multiple changes of clothes that are washed after each time worn. Also, we recommend that students bring deodorant/antiperspirant to be applied before and after class.


If a student is absent or unable to participate due to illness or injury from any day of class, he/she is required to make up the work to receive daily points. Make up logs must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian. Students are responsible for obtaining a make-up log from the teacher, the day that student returns to school.


Refer to handbook pages 29-35.

Grading policies: Handbook page 16-17

Students will be graded in three areas:

Weekly Tests – 40% (Health Test, Sports Knowledge, Physical Fitness)

Daily – 40% (Dressed out, participation)

Exam (4 ½ & 9 weeks) – 20%


The following movies may be shown when they are relevant to subject area being presented, or weather conditions prevent the class from participating in outside activities.

  • Radio (A mentally challenged man, Sport-Football)
  • Remember the Titans (Football)
  • Inside Out (Changes in personality as the young girl gets older, Sport-hockey)
  • The Sandlot (Baseball)
  • Karate Kid (Discipline, Bullying, Sport- Karate)

Parents please check below if these movies meet your approval and your student may view them in the future. ______________.

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________________


