Mr. Kwinsi Bridges » CLASS PROCEDURES


Classroom Procedures


1) Enter the classroom quietly and in an orderly fashion. If tardy, the student will be marked for a Level (1) infraction which will lead to a referral.
2) Take out all required materials (Charged Chromebook, journal, writing utensil, any other required/requested materials) before you enter the classroom.  Place your backpacks or purses behind or underneath your desk.
3) If you have a pencil, sharpen it before class starts.
4) Turn in any homework assignments written or electronically and read the front board for class instructions.
5) Complete the Bellringer and other instructions for the period on your Canvas class page.
6) Wait for the teacher to begin class.


Things to Remember


  • Procedures will change according to the class activity.
  • No eating or drinking in class unless authorized.
  • Please raise your hand to be recognized in class.
  • There will be no restroom breaks during the first and last 10 minutes of class unless you have a doctor’s excuse or an emergency.
  • Do not leave the classroom without permission from your teacher especially if you are called to the office or the bell rings.
  • Chromebooks are allowed to be used in the classroom. Cellular phones and other electronic devices are NOT allowed unless requested for a class activity. Please place them in a secure area.
  • Always follow school and district policies outlined in your handbook.