Title: Lesson Paln Overview

Teacher: Davidson, Liz Begin date: 8/9/21end date 5/27/22: Directed studies
Objectives/Standards: Support the lessons of each content area as related to the Common Core Standards
The students will do the following:
1. Read and understand the assignments on the daily lesson plan from each content subject area class.
2. Work on Goals as stated in their IEP
3. Develop vocabulary to help improve reading fluency.
4. Weekly reading fluency probes
5.  Read selected passages and text to develop reading skills ( comprehension, main idea, author purpose, etc.)
6. Work in areas of math that has been identified on their IEP
7. Develop calculator skills to help improve math fact fluency
Teacher will
1. Use I-ready data/diagnosis to address students needs as identified in fall, winter, and spring sessions. 
2. Use a variety of teaching methods ( interactive notebooks; group lessons, small group, and individually; centers, quizziz etc.)
3. Address the needs of students by having them complete a learning inventory and address each student learning mode. 
4. Update folders and binders daily to maintain organization
5. Keep IEP  and re-eval timelines in compliance 
6. Attain PLC for ELA and Math 
Student Home work:
1. Review class notes at least 15 minutes per subject nightly
2. Complete assigned homework form content subject area
3. Read AR daily.
To join my Remind list
  • send text to 81010
  • @4fh7eb
The following is a list of educational sites.  Parents, please, check each site before you allow students on them.  I have looked at them, but your guidance is necessary for your child's safety. Supervision is recommended for students on any website.
Audible is offering free audio books.  Check this web site for more information https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/21/us/audible-for-kids-coronavirus-trnd/index.html
Other free sites to check out are as follows:
Website URL
PBS Kids PBSkids.org
Switcheroo Zoo SwitcherooZoo.com
National Geographic for Kids Kids.NationalGeographic.com
Dr. Seuss Seussville.com
Little Golden Books LittleGoldenBooks.com
Starfall (reading and literacy) Starfall.com
Fun Brain (math, reading, Wimpy Kid) Funbrain.com
National Constitution Center ConstitutionCenter.org
Into the Book Reading.ECB.org
Khan Academy (math) KhanAcademy.org
Storyline Online (actors read to kids) StoryLineOnline.net
Highlights (yes, that magazine!) HighlightsKids.com
Other web sites:
science fun for everyone you tube


Directed Studies Rules, Procedures, and Expectations

Directed Studies 

Directed Studies is a class for students who have areas of concerns as identified by their IEP.  In this class, we will address IEP goals.  This class is not a study hall for students to work on other subjects.  It is important for parents and students to know this is a regular class with assignments for students to complete.  Students are graded on their work performance and are expected to complete said work to the best of their abilities.  


Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Fells Classroom  

Expectation, Rules, Procedures and Consequences 

The expectations, rules, procedures, and consequences of the classroom are intended to keep the classroom environment safe, orderly, and productive.   Please respect the rules so that we can maximize the learning time together.  The rules are not hard to follow, nor are any of them “out of the ordinary.”  They are simply expected behaviors for, the junior high school, student in the classroom.  If you have any questions about any of these rules or why they are in place, you have the right to find out.  Please ask if you have any questions.   

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Class Expectations 

  1. Respect yourself, the teacher, and others.  Show respect to the teacher, yourself, and others always. Respect others property.  Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, chalkboards, etc.)  Do not expect that others will clean-up your mess.  Please pick-up after yourself.  Respect yourself and the rest of us by using appropriate language and wearing appropriate clothing.  Be a kind person and treat others as you would like to be treated.
  2. Always put forth your best effort.  Always do your own best work.  Put learning ahead of getting good grades.  Put quality ahead of just getting work done.    
  3.  Be prepared for class each day.  Come prepared with all materials necessary which includes: An organized binder (keep in your desk) with all necessary materials and handouts. Items needed for class include loose leaf paper, pencils, color pencils, erasable pens (blue or black), highlighters, for emphasizing vital information, and a planner, to help keep you organized.   Successful students are organized. 
  4. Follow directions when given.  When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time.  If you are confused or have questions, ask.  I would rather have you stop class to clarify than be off task while everyone else is working. 
  5. Pay attention, participate and ask questions.  Engage in what is going on in the classroom.  If you have a question, ask it. If you are wondering about it, someone else in the class is too.  Be proactive about your learning and do not be afraid to ask for help.  If you feel more comfortable waiting until after class, that is okay too, but do keep communication open for us. 
  6. Preserve a positive learning environment.  Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning will NOT be tolerated.  Use class time to learn both math and reading.  Please do not spend your time grooming, sleeping, talking, writing note to others, playing, or listening to music, texting friends, or doing work for other classes.  Minimize classroom interruptions by arriving to class on time and not leaving the classroom during class.  Use the restroom before class. 
  7. Take responsibility for your actions.  If you are confronted about a rule infraction, own up to it.  Do not deny it, lie about it, or blame someone else.  Take responsibility for your actions.  Take responsibility for missed assignments.  All handbook rules will be enforced.  Please read your handbook.  Students that choose to break rules, choose to face the consequences.  Consequences are as follows: Warning, call to parents, recess/afterschool detention, office referral. 

Class Rules 

  1. Turn off cell phones and electronic devices.  Electronic devices (Ipods, handheld games, mini-TV’s, or personal cell phones or pagers) are not permitted in my classroom.  Cell Phones should be turned off and placed in your backpack.  If I see a cell phone, I will take it and place it in cell jail until the end of class.  Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior. 
  2. No food or drinks in the classroom.  Only water(clear) is allowed, but not while you are on any electronic device. 
  3. Arrive to class on time and be ready to learn.  Use the restroom before class.  You should begin your seat work/bell ringer. (This will be some type of reinforcement for math or reading). Please be both physically and mentally present in the classroom. 
  4. Never line up at the door before dismissal.  Please remain in your sear until I have dismissed you. Remember the bell does not dismiss you, I do.   
  5. Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work.  Cheating is completely unacceptable.  You will not learn if others do your work for you.  Make sure you are the one learning, not your neighbor. 
  6. Use polite and appropriate language.  Offensive, derogatory, and profane terms are not tolerated.  In order, to have a safe classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, no put downs, swearing words, or slang words with demeaning connotations will be accepted.  Remember, if you do not have something nice to say, do not say it at all. 
  7. Do your best work and turn it in on time.  Remember that the work that you turn in reflects your effort on the assignment.  Think about the following expectations when you are preparing an assignment that I will review. 
      1. Print your full name on all assignments. 
      2. All work must be neatly done and legible to receive credit. 
      3. If you print, capitalize properly (Do not write in all capital letters or small letters) and use proper grammar. 
      4. Make sure the fringes, from spiral notebooks, are removed from the paper. 

Class Procedures 

1.   Turn in papers to the proper bin.    If you are absent you must make up any        missed work.  You have a limited number of days to complete all make-up           work.   

2.   Pick-up after yourself.  Clean around your area, even if it is not your trash. 

3.   Make sure to get all your items before you leave the classroom.  Check to          make sure you have everything you need before you leave. 
4.  Please let me know when you are having a test.  You will test with                       me.  Make sure to let me know if you need help with any                                     assignments.  Sometimes I will need to pull you during P.E.  If you do not           test with me, you will need to sign a paper stating that you do not want your       accommodations.  Any grade received, where you refused your                           accommodations, cannot be changed. 
5.  It is your responsibility to complete any missed work.  Make arrangements         to make-up any missed work.   


Remember Class Consequences 

1.  Verbal warning 
2.  Call home to parents/guardians 
3.  Detention (either recess or after school) 
4.  Referral to office 

**** Serious offenses can, at the teacher’s discretion, result in more severe consequences regardless of pervious steps taken.

Teacher: Davidson, Liz Begin date: 8/9/21 end date 5/27/22: Directed studies